Juliana Adams, jea74@uakron.edu
AECHS’ Girl’s Flag Football has begun and has received extremely positive feedback from those involved. Journey Taylor and Danae Swain, both AECHS Freshman who are a part of AEC’s girl’s flag football team, have extremely positive views of the sport. Journey states, “I chose to play flag football because I’ve never played it before and I like to try new things, it’s one of the few sports AEC has.” Danae claims, “I joined the AECHS Girl’s Flag football team because I always talk to my brother about how I could play football just as well as him, so this was my chance to prove it.” Both of the girls chose the sport out of optimism and found it as a new, interesting opportunity to become involved at AEC. Despite the season’s recent start, the girls were able to find things they’ve enjoyed about the sport. Journey and Danae both agree that their favorite part momentarily is being active with friends, claiming they’re still in the process of conditioning. Danae encourages girls at AEC to give the sport a chance stating, “I encourage other girls to join because it’s something interesting and new to do and it’s a great way to stay active while having fun.” Journey claims, “I encourage everyone to join because, why not? It’s fun!”