LaTora Harrison, News Staff

Blood, sweat, and tears are a saying that can be put into many categories but one it finds itself in the most would be boxing and that is what creed lll is all about. Creed lll is a newly popular boxing movie that debuted in theaters Mar 3, 2023. Starring Micheal B Jordan as Adonis Creed, this film does not only reveal him as an amazing actor but as an amazing director too. This was the first movie he has ever directed and I personally believe he did a phenomenal job. Looking back at the people of the film, this movie also stars Bianca who is Adonis’s wife, their daughter Amara, His long-time childhood friend but also Adonis’s antagonist Damian Anderson and who cannot forget his mother Mary Ann Creed. This movie does a great job of portraying the characters even the new ones like his daughter and his antagonist. As the film gives Damian a great backstory without it taking the whole movie. The movie pretty much gets straight to the point. Back to the saying blood, sweat, and tears. This film portrays that saying perfectly. As we know Adonis retired from boxing in Creed ll and left it all behind. He gets back into the sport because he is challenged to a boxing match with his antagonist
Damian. He was out of the game years, he was rusty at something that in the past he was very skilled at. It took his blood sweat and tears to make him Adonis again. They portrayed this saying in a scene very well where he was sparing one of his partners and kept getting knocked down, he was bleeding a lot and just wasn't in tune with himself or the environment but with his hard work. He bounced back and eventually became the Adonis we know from creed l and ll. I personally believe this movie is a work of art for multiple reasons, one being the big fighting scene towards the end of the movie as Adonis and Damian battle it out. During an interview Michael B Jordan said he got inspiration for certain scenes in the film from anime. This is very prevalent especially in the big fight scene when they cross-counter punch. “That punch is Naruto and Sasuke, that punch has happened a few times in anime. [...] But for me, [the Creed III scene] was about the relationship between two brothers, so the relationship between Naruto and Sasuke was where the inspiration for that relationship kind of stemmed from” Micheal expressed. Incorporating other pieces of art into one film is beautiful and one reason I would recommend this film. Lastly, this film also teaches a valuable lesson about overcoming the past and forgiving yourself and that is why I recommend this film for all people to watch.