Alba Mastromatteo, am696@uakron.edu and Angel Johnson, aj247@uakron.edu
February 16th, 2024 is Akron Early College’s Midnight Garden formal. Unlike previous years, there will be a court with a king and queen this year.
To run for court you should have already signed up on the interested form sent out January 30th. It is important to note you can not run if you are not going to formal. The voting for the court will start the week before formal. Another Google form will be sent out with the names of everyone who filled out the interested form. You can only vote for the specified number of winners in your grade level.
Freshmen - 1 male 1 female
Sophomores - 1 male 1 female
Juniors - 1 male 1 female
Seniors - 3 males 3 females, 1 male crowned King, 1 female crowned Queen
The Seniors have a slightly different voting structure compared to the rest of the grades. Instead of voting for a total of two people, Seniors will vote for a total of six people during their first round of voting. The top six people will be put into another Google form and the Seniors will vote again for their King and Queen.
The winners will be revealed at the formal. Those who make court will get something to symbolize winning that they can take home.