Paige Fassnacht,

Valentine’s day is an annually celebrated holiday, also called Saint Valentine’s day. It is very popular, but when did it begin? It started in the 14th century as most say, but some believe it started a while beforehand. Before people believed it was a day used to replace the Roman festival of Lupercalia which was a festival to pair women and men together. People believe this is where Valentine’s day started to be known for love.
As we know, Cupid is the symbol of Valentine’s day along with hearts and the color red, but why is this? Back in Ancient Greece, the people would celebrate Eros, the god of love; however, Eros was more well known for more sensual love rather than innocence, so he was soon replaced with Cupid. Cupid is now the most popular symbol when it comes to Valentine’s day, along with his bow and arrow.
Even though Valentine’s day has such ancient origins, it is still annually celebrated by spending the time with loved ones and giving them gifts, cards, candy, etc. AECHS will also be celebrating it by selling $5 “Munchie Bags”. Buy some for your friends and have them delivered to them on February 14th!