Hearing stories about love is bittersweet
I wish I could trap it inside a box made of concrete
It brings me memories that I believe didn’t exist
Since It’s a distant part of me that I’ve learned to dismiss
I’ve tucked it deep within my sleeves
under a heavy pattern of threaded weaves
Because I saw tales of love that I refused to believe
The love I saw was not hugs and kisses
instead, it was cuts and bruises
that forced her to comply
it wasn’t the sound of her laughter
but the sound of her cry
when he hit her
The love I saw was when he came home drunk
and all the children hid under the bunk
with eyes full of tear
helpless because of fear
So they all prayed and wished to disappear
The love I saw was a lifetime with a stranger
being given away by your own father
like some tool
or perhaps a fool?
was he oblivious to the danger?
or perhaps he just didn’t bother
The love I saw was being married at the mere age of fourteen
and giving birth at teen
repressing all your hopes and dreams
Becoming a slave in the name of a lifetime team
Unknowing it was nothing but a society’s scheme
To break women apart and repress all the screams
The love I saw are stories of women I love and care
but recalling it is too much to bear
They wear a smile with a shattered heart
They use it as a mask to hide their rotting part
They provide for their family pretending they’re fine
They are trying to heal with time
but time may heal the wound
it will never erase the scar
Pain piles like a mound
It becomes embedded in one’s flesh
Like lungs full of tar
Until it perishes with their death
This is a history that shall not repeat itself
a cautionary legacy we must impart
because love shouldn’t make one cry
and cost their flesh and blood
You can only save yourself
There may be traditions that you may have to defy
You are not made to be dragged through the mud
Your voice has the power to send a flood
And let freedom flow through your blood
Every woman in this land
Has the power to make the world bend
- Alina Tamang