Morgan Rowland
Margo is one of the most interesting characters in the film, Gone Girl, specifically because of her relationship with other women. She hates Amy, from the very beginning long before any of this happens because she views Amy as the evil puppet master making her brother miserable. He is her victim. What he is not in Margo's eyes is a grown man capable of making his own decisions who stays in a marriage with a woman he grows to resent more and more each day because he signed a prenup and won't get anything if he divorces her. Amy is fully the villain and her brother is a helpless victim.
When Margo and Nick are talking about him and Amy having kids Nick says that Amy didn't want her to know she was the one who didn't want kids because it would make Margo hate her more. Whether or not Nick and Amy have kids is none of Margo's concern and it's certainly not something that would make a reasonable person hateful. But Margo is so connected to her brother that Amy making a decision that doesn't with Nick would be another tick against Amy.
But Amy isn't the only woman Margo degrades for her brother, she also does it with Andie. When she finds out that her brother is sleeping with his teenage mistress right after his wife went missing her concern is part the grossness of the act itself but more so how the act could affect the public view of him. When talking about the Red underwear in Nick's office Nick says Andie doesn't know if they're her's and Margo remarks that they're dealing with a twenty year old who doesn't know where she leaves her underwear . Margo puts part of the blame for that whole plot point going south on Angie for not keeping track of her underwear and not Nick for having an affair with someone almost twenty years younger than him.
Margo and Nick have a special bond for not only being twins but also having both dealt with their neglectful father who, in contrast to their protectiveness, can fix everything about their mother Margo takes after her mother by way of being a protector and Nick takes after his father in way being an awful husband. As adults they both take on these roles which is how we get Margo, a protective sister who hates Amy, the bane of her existence and the cause of all of her brother's pain, something he obviously can do nothing about because he's just a poor, sad man.