By Stella Cundiff, sc321@uakron.edu
Have you met our newest staff member Mrs. Weaver? Well if you haven’t gotten the chance to meet her, you will certainly experience her impact at Akron Early College High School. Before she came here she was the Academy Coach at North High School, a coach for the math teachers across the district, and a math teacher before that. Mrs. Weaver wears many hats, she is our Academy Coach as well as STEM’s, AAA’s, and APS Online’s. An Academy Coach is someone who works with the school's business partners and creates experiences for students to better prepare them for life after high school. She plans to transform our school experience by incorporating lots of big events like Career Expos, field trips, and internships for seniors. Beyond her role, she is a wife and soon-to-be mother of two, three if you count her dog. She loves reading and going on hikes. She got a scholarship to play golf in college. She was even a pescetarian for 5 years until she became pregnant with her daughter then turned into a cheeseburger enthusiast, She says “ I just wanted to eat Swenson's cheeseburgers”. She has a beagle mix whose favorite pastime is stealing her 2-year-old's toys. She is expecting baby #2 in February, which means we won’t see her a whole lot till the 2024-2025 school year.
1) What is it you do at AEC?
Hello! I am the Academy Coach for all specialty high schools (AEC, STEM, AAA, and APS Online). I work with the school's business partners (UA being our main one) to create experiences for students to better prepare them for life after high school. I plan a lot of big events like Career Expos, set up field trips, work with the ambassador program, and can even help with internships senior year.
2) How does your role impact the students at our school?
I'm hoping to impact AEC in a big way, but it will be a slow process. Right now we're working on developing a strategic plan in which each year students will have an experience that helps them navigate future college/career decisions. We're also building a streamlined approach to sharing UA resources and participating in UA events.
3) Where did you come from?
This is my 13th year at APS! My last role was Academy Coach at North High School. Before that, I was a coach for the math teachers across the district, and a math teacher before that.
4) How can Early College Kids get in touch with you?
A big part of my job is being responsive to emails with our partners, so I am on my computer a lot. Emailing is the best way to contact me - jweaver@apslearns.org. I'm only at AEC part-time, typically in the afternoon.
5) What do you like so far about AEC?
I love the staff and all the events they put on for AEC students. There's always something going on, whether it's a pep rally, lock-in, awards ceremony, spirit week, etc. Those things take a lot of planning and coordinating, so thank an AEC staff member today!
6) Do you have any pets and if so could you include a photo (preferably a photo with you in it too, It will be used for the pic that goes with the article)?
I have a dog named Cyrus. He's a beagle mix and really soft, but he is rotten. His favorite pastime is stealing my 2-year-old's toys. His only slightly redeeming quality is that he is only bad when someone is watching.
7) Do you want to include any fun facts about yourself?
A couple of fun facts about me: I love reading and going on hikes. I played golf in college on a scholarship. I was a pescetarian for 5 years until I became pregnant with my daughter and just wanted to eat Swenson's cheeseburgers. I'm expecting baby #2 in February, so you won't see be too much until 2024-2025 school year!