Reese Bennett, rb313@uakron.edu
As most of you know, AEC hosts two pep rallies in a school year. The fall pep rally ended with the Sophomores getting the Spirit Stick. Now, this was a completely new experience to our freshmen, but even then, they did quite well. This article is dedicated to information on what is important to know for pep rallies, in case anyone needs a refresher.
It is most important to start with the fact that the pep rally is for the students as a WHOLE, not just your own class. Cheer on the other grades, consider that with your posters, and certainly don’t boo them! The pep rallies exist for school unity, and not respecting that could cost you the spirit stick. Even when you’re competing for the spirit stick at the end of the day, it is important to keep it positive, bring items like balloons, noisemakers, paint and whatever else you can think of. If some of your friends are around, make sure that they’re helping cheer the classes on, they really should be if they want to be there.
Secondly, the games! Before every pep rally, there is ample time to sign up for events. It is important to note that there is always a dodgeball game for each class, so it’s the biggest opportunity for the students to perform competitively. There is also always a unique game for each class, so don’t be surprised if your class doesn’t get the same thing as the last pep rally. Don’t worry though, there’s also collaborative games where students from all grades work together, so teamwork is necessary! At the end of the day, the teachers winning most of the competitions shouldn’t be taken to heart, everyone’s there to try and have fun, and deservedly so. Remember, you go to AEC, so have fun and cheer on your fellow Wallaroos.