By Adelyne Carter asc122@uakron

Anyone could notice the difference in the walk up campus since the start of the year. Construction has been unavoidable on the main pathway to campus. The building of Crouse Hall, the construction of a new concrete pathway to the student union, and other random projects around campus have contributed to a very chaotic commute to classes. But the true cherry on top of all of this is the revamping of the main brick pathway that runs through campus. This pathway was perfectly fine how it was; it was made from normal bricks in an inoffensive color. Now it is a disjointed composition of a different color of concrete stamped with a brick stencil. To make things worse, they didn’t even have the courtesy to line up the direction of the “bricks.” It is a hodgepodge of different colors and directions. They also didn’t commit completely to the fake bricks; there are just chunks of red concrete slabs in the middle of gray bricks. It truly is a site for sore eyes.
Beyond the aesthetics of this choice, there can be some safety concerns with the fake bricks. A landscaping company out of Pennsylvania brought up two big concerns with these types of bricks in an article they wrote. The first issue is that stamped brick can be very slippery when wet. The second issue is that salt cannot be used to remove snow and ice from the stamped bricks. The article states that “the chemical compound in salt will cause the surface of the concrete to chip and fracture off.” This will be a nightmare during the winter when the snow and ice start appearing. It really could be a safety issue.
It may seem small, but this one decision regarding a walkway can make a difference. The University of Akron is filled with run-down and frankly ugly buildings. The brown brutalist buildings don’t scream beautiful. This walkway is one more addition to lower the University’s curb appeal. So, be careful walking on the fake bricks this winter, and try to shield your eyes when walking by.